Safety is not the arrival point, but the starting line,
the natural instinct to protect and take care of your Company, by choosing your best allies.
Safety is a measure of entrepreneurial culture and a forward-thinking vision. Regulations are constantly evolving and controls become more and more strict. This complexity requires knowledge and continued education. Reducing every possible risk factor through the training of your personnel and thoroughly examining the whole productive system, reflect the idea of a company identity that is able to see beyond the intricate tangle of codes and standards, to achieve the best conditions to thrive.
Studio Scano provides complete, flexible and high-quality consulting services, relying on a team of professionals with expertise in every working environment. Hence, it can fullfil the needs of the most diverse activities: from the artisan workshop to the biggest manufacturing company.
Safety at any cost has a double meaning: a crucial condition for every company but also a service that needs to be tailor-fit to its real needs. This is the real advantage that Studio Scano can offer.
Studio Scano employs technicians nationally-certified in acoustics and noise-control.
We can carry out noise impact reports for manufacturing and industrial plants, from on-field noise surveys to outdoor noise propagation simulation via SoundPLAN software.
European Directive 99/92/CE (ATEX) applies to workplaces subject to explosive atmosphere risk. This can be due to the presence of combustible gases, vapours or dust.
Studio Scano can classify hazardous areas, even in complex plants, using state-of-the-art 3D rendering techniques and certified ATEX software.